Many have wished to take down the Capitalist money laundering giant. While “taking down” and “giant” sound like a prelude to an epic tale, it is nonetheless a feasible reality. Working for such a glutton octopus without shutting off your humanity is never that easy. In there you will experience the epitome of corporate greed, let us count them:







Now, would you still trust your money with such a thugs-owned terrorist company?


Therefore, we are offering to release their internal articles in exchange for a price (we got to eat as well). Whether you have a bad or good intent in destabilising this company to either reform for the better or perish, the articles will be yours.



Q- How can we be sure that after the payment is processed and the transaction confirmed you will hold your end of the bargain?
Q- Is this trade trustworthy?
A- Frankly, there is no way to certainly prove that until the deal is concluded. This is the internet and this is an illegal trade after all. Same goes for any unregulated P2P trade. We wouldn’t go through all these documentations and writings just to leech off some money while we can benefit from the articles ourselves, which we already did and are still doing.
But as proof that there are leaks, we have provided a free article you may do with it whatever you wish.

Q- If those articles are so critical to the company, why is this trade considerably cheap?
A- Information, especially company secrets are usually sold for millions of dollars. However, our priority is not profit nor capitalization. It is within the range of affordable pricing for the sake of reachability while still earning our due.


Q- If someone bought and got the articles, what’s stopping them from re-releasing with a price or for free?
A- Practically nothing.
For the former, they can benefit from it, but the source remains genuine and well-connected for updated articles and leaks.
For the latter, it is doubtful that any financially-conscious individual would simply spend ~5000 USD of their own earnings on a product just to have it publicly accessible.
But like we said, there is nothing stopping them if they are cybersecurity-aware in case of a global legal manhunt issued for whoever is/are responsible for leaking those articles.


Q- You mentioned “updates” and “leaks”. How can we receive the updates on further leaks even after paying for the main package?
A- You will have to write “OPT-IN for Updates” at the end of your message of payment confirmation, otherwise you will only receive the main package as it is and can’t opt-in later. The main package is updated frequently. By default, chats are self-destructive, by stating the previous request, the auto-destruction will be deactivated and you will be contacted for further updates. Further charging for updates will be decided accordingly, it can either be free or at a way cheaper amount depending on the nature of the update or leak.


Payments are acceptable in BTC ETH DOGE - USDT.
If you require a different Altcoin then contact us for arrangement.



ETH (ERC20): 0x3fadbe876fd904e2aaa0cd2e12adb74400047e4e

DOGE: D6f1tqW2EZSj5jkDsfZmX6hA2j4cghH5k8



1- Pay the specified amount to any of the mentioned addresses.
2- Contact us either via Telegram with 3 explicitly specified bits of information for confirmation: Transaction ID – Currency - Exact time and date the transaction was processed in.
3- After review, you will receive a reply with a .zip file of the full collection of articles.
4- ???
5- Enjoy.






We are an alliance of Communists and Anarchists around the globe. Our names and identities are irrelevant and of no concern to any individual, entity or polity thereof.